Dr. Bruce Coward & Associates Optometrists used pay-per-click Google adverts to boost their eyecare business’s profile and reputation in their local area.

The Results:
- Increased online sales
- Increased digital footfall to their practice website
Dr. Bruce Coward & Associates Optometrists started as a Canadian solo practice in 1949, founded by Dr. Leonard Coward. They have now grown and expanded to four different locations, with Dr. Leonard’s son, Dr. Bruce Coward, at the helm.

The figures and facts don’t lie.

+ 400% Sale Increase
In January 2023, Dr. Bruce Coward had four online sales per month. In January 2024, this increased to 16 online sales per month.

+ 15k New Website Users
In the space of a year, Dr. Bruce Coward’s Google adverts brought 15,000 website users to their website. These website users had never been on his site before.

Longer Website Visits
Purchase probability increases when someone stays 50 seconds or longer on a website. Customers spent 80 seconds on average browsing through Dr. Bruce Coward’s website. (*Source: medium.com)
Why Google advertising?
Google Ads offers us full transparency across every aspect of your campaign. We can track data like which ad types are performing best, what actions your customers are taking, and even which frames or lenses are selling best by volume.
Still not convinced?
Get in contact. We will take an in-depth look at your business together and show you the online potential your eyecare business has so you can achieve similar results.